Why Do I love You?

Did you ever ask yourself, why do I love my significant other?  Why do I tolerate football games on Sundays, the remote being lost, the different ways that your significant other handles the kids vs. how you do?  Is it love? Is it being complacent? Is it because there is no one else out there?  Deep down when you think about the reasons that you fell in love, those reasons are all there.  Love is messy and not the way you see it on Hallmark movies.  I love my Hallmark movies and never miss a chance to watch them. As a matter of fact, I have not missed any of the Valentine’s Day movies they have been showing over the last 2 weeks. So today on the eve of Valentine’s Day, I think about all of that and I ask myself, “why do I love Marcus so much?”
When Marcus and I met,  he left a whole world behind in NJ to be with my two children and me.  He did not look back to see what he left behind. A few years later, we had a baby that was born at 27 weeks.  I became very sick with  stroke level blood pressure and almost lost my life. After the baby was born 13 weeks early, he took care of me  and made sure that I got to the hospital for 5 months while our baby hung on for his life. When the baby came home, he left his job to take care of the him full-time because of all the medical challenges that he had. It has been 7 years since our baby was born and thanks to him, our son has had a fighting chance of recovery as he received care from therapists at home and good medical care.
When he is not taking care of the baby,  he is taking care of our dog Daisy and my parents.  He nursed our family dog Rusty until his last breath,  When he could not walk, he would pick him up and take him outside, bathe him, brush him and hand feed him.  When my older kids need something, they call on him and he is always there with a smile on his face to lend a helping hand. There are not any words to express what he does for us all. In between all of this, he manages my author contracts, our wedding business 27 Miracles, and our charity The Gift of Life. He is now my manager as well for Mrs. Windermere.  Inbetween all of this, he goes out and marries couples . Happy Valentine’s Day to my angel and funny Valentine Marcus, God gave me a Winner!!!!”
Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, people sitting, night, tree and outdoor

So today take a moment to share how you are celebrating Valentine’s Day?  Post your story here on my facebook page with a picture of your love and we will share it.

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The Day is Almost Here What Do You Have Planned

Do you remember your first date? Do you have a favorite song that you and your significant other enjoy listening to? Incorporate these concepts into the day such as having a date at the same location you had your first date. Those first date memories will come back, and you can ponder on why you fell in love. Adding little touches unique to your relationship will make the day more romantic.

This was not our first date, but it was a place that we considered important in our life as our love romance was very serendipitous!

Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, people sitting and indoor

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Wedding Day Proposals By Women

Every four years on February 29  is  known as leap year.  The last one we had was on 2/29/16, so that means the next one is on 2/29/20.  It is also the day when you were in school that they would have Sadi Hawkins day .  See some of the traditions as written by columnist Bob Driver for the Clearwater Sun  ad how he describes it.  Click the link for the full article.


In olden days, Feb. 29 was also celebrated as Sadie Hawkins Day, the time when girls were permitted to ask the boys of their choice for a date or whatever else the girl might have in mind.

Sadie Hawkins was the invention of Al Capp, a brilliant cartoonist who for 40 years or so drew the comic strip Li’l Abner. In the strip, Sadie was the homeliest girl in Dogpatch. She never had a date or a boy friend. Finally, as she reached the desperate age of 35, her father decreed that on a given date every spinster in Dogpatch would be entitled to pursue any unmarried male of her choice. If by sundown she could drag him across the finish line, the man had to marry her.

Capp invented Sadie Hawkins in 1937, as one more colorful character in the Li’l Abner cast. By the early 1940s the idea of an annual Sadie Hawkins Day had swept the nation. Each February, hundreds of colleges and high schools held Sadie Hawkins dances and carnivals. At one point an estimated 40,000 events took place. A related tradition sprang up which decreed that every four years – on Feb. 29 – women were free to propose marriage to their sweeties. I’m not sure anyone knows how many weddings were generated by this Leap Year custom.

Read about some Leap Year Traditions below.  Click on the link to read the full article:


Leap Day Traditions

Illustration image

I do! Traditionally, women take the ring into their own hands and propose on Leap Day.

’Leap Day’ is February 29, which is an extra (intercalary) day added during a Leap Year, making the year 366 days long – and not 365 days, like a common (normal) year. Nearly every 4 years is a Leap Year in our modern Gregorian Calendar.

Ever since Leap Years were first introduced over 2000 years ago with the transition from the Roman Calendar to the Julian Calendar in 45 BCE (Before Common Era), Leap Day has been associated with age-old Leap Day traditions and folklore.

What is a Leap Year and when is the next one?

When and what is Leap Day?

Women propose to their men

According to an old Irish legend, or possibly history, St Bridget struck a deal with St Patrick to allow women to propose to men – and not just the other way around – every 4 years. This is believed to have been introduced to balance the traditional roles of men and women in a similar way to how Leap Day balances the calendar.

In some places, Leap Day has been known as “Bachelors’ Day” for the same reason. A man was expected to pay a penalty, such as a gown or money, if he refused a marriage proposal from a woman on Leap Day. In many European countries, especially in the upper classes of society, tradition dictates that any man who refuses a woman’s proposal on February 29 has to buy her 12 pairs of gloves. The intention is that the woman can wear the gloves to hide the embarrassment of not having an engagement ring. During the middle ages there were laws governing this tradition.

So although this is not a Leap year, it is the season of love and no matter what you decide to do this year for Valentine’s Day, make it a fun one!

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Valentine’s Day Wedding Proposal

A lot of guys think about Valentine’s Day as the perfect day to ask their sweetie to marry them.  Many of the guys give a lot of  thought about creative ways to ask their sweetheart to marry them.  They think of hiring photography and videography to capture that  special moment.  Many times they create a  romantic getaway with their true love.  When planning this special proposal, be certain that she will say yes, that is key!  Marriage is a long-term commitment not to be taken lightly.   Once you know for sure that your sweetheart is the one for you and you know that she feels that way too, then it’s time to prepare for the big day.  If your sweetheart is the romantic type, then a baseball game in the middle of the field is probably not the right way to propose as she  may feel uncomfortable.    Know your bride to be and what her personality is, that will always guide you.

Some other tips:

  1. Many women know that if there has been talk of marriage that a proposal may take place on this day. To keep the element of surprise, when you invite her to dinner at 7pm,  let her know that you will be by to pick her up at 6 ( depending on distance of restaurant) then show up to her doorstep in a chauffeured driven limo with a harpist in the background playing a beautiful romantic song as you ask her to marry you. Totally unexpected!!!

2. Do think about what she is wearing on the day that you propose especially if you are going to capture the moment on video or photography.

3. Now if your sweetheart is more reserved and does not like a big pomp and circumstance, don’t plan a big public proposal. Instead opt for a quiet location where it is just the two of you, the beach, the lake or favorite park.

3. If you are looking to propose just the two of you in a special getaway, consider Turks and Caicos, on a candlelit romantic dinner on the beach!


How about Alaska?


Best wishes to all the guys thinking of that special Valentine’s Day proposal!!

Contact 27 Miracles  today to plan that special proposal.

Many couples contact 27 Miracles when they get engaged, sometimes they contact us with the day of engagement because they are so excited to start planning the big day!

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Romantic Weekend Getaway

As we approach Valentine’s Day weekend some couples want to plan a romantic getaway locally and some have a few more days that they can get away to a beach or ski resort.  Whichever you do,  plan on lots of romance and making it just about the two of you.

I remember my Valentine’s Day weekend last year.  Funny enough we had always wanted to go see the smoky mountains but due to our busy schedules with school, work, business and an active family life, we could never just get it on the schedule.  By the time we planned to do something, everything was booked or very expensive since it was Valentine’s Day weekend. We decided to go to Mount Dora and find a bed and breakfast on a Saturday afternoon to stay at and just make it a relaxing weekend.  The weather was beautiful for Florida,  a nice Florida winter.  We stopped at the famous Yalaha Bakery for lunch and ate on their outside picnic tables.  It was great to be outdoors enjoying the Florida crisp air and talking with my Valentine.

As we were eating we could not help but reminisce about not going to the mountains. Marcus, my husband and Valentine, said, “you know what,  let’s just get in the car and drive North until we get tired and then we will stay in a hotel and go exploring in Georgia.”   I said,  “are you crazy, it’s 4pm.” But the excitement of the unknown with my Valentine, set the mood and  so off we went!!!

We talked as we drove out the interstate to Georgia.  We had the best conversations and left business talk at home.  We stopped a few hours later at a Marriott in Macon Georgia and when we arrived, we dropped our overnight bags and went to the hotel restaurant. We had our favorite gourmet pizza, Marguerita pizza and enjoyed more laughter.  Later on, we walked around the hotel and enjoyed some coffee while we thought about the drastic temperature change ( it was 25 degrees, definitely not the 60 we left in Florida!)

The next morning, Valentine’s Day, we woke up, had a hearty breakfast and checked out to go start our day exploring.  We drove out to see mountains and stopped at a few antique shops and enjoyed each other’s company as we strolled on the cold streets of Georgia.  We had lunch (indoors of course) at a cute little cafe and continued our exploration of the Georgia mountains.  We went on the winding curves of Blood Mountain and just enjoyed the cold, but breath-taking views.

At the end of the day we had to head back home as we both had to be at work the next day.  We drove what seemed like all night (we had drifted 3 hours beyond Macon, so that added time to our trip). But on the way home with a coffee stop and dinner stop, we talked about our lives together and what we have accomplished.  We also talked about how much we enjoyed being with each other.

The trip to many may seem crazy because it was so unplanned and most that know me, know as a wedding and event planner I have everything planned to the last minute.  But what was great was just that , the spontaneous last minute trip.  It made us feel relaxed, because we did not have an agenda to be anywhere or see anyone at any special time.

Enjoy the rest of our pictures from our Georgia adventure!


So the next time you get an idea to do something different and unplanned, go for it, you will find those are going to be your most treasured moments!!!

Happy Valentine’s Day!!

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I Love You

Sometimes in life we get busy and we put things off until we have time to fulfill our dream.  Jobs, family, pregnancy and obligations keep us busy.  Part of marriage is not tolerating each other only, but romancing your spouse……say I love you for any reason daily, not just “love you” I can love cake and ice cream or the movies….really say ” I Love You” and take ownership of the feelings you are expressing. It is a bond not only in marriage but in your faith in God. Marriage is a long-term commitment not to be taken lightly.

This year Valentine’s Day is on a Tuesday; therefore, many of us will be working during the day. In the morning, send a little note to your significant other wishing them a good day, and if time permits, have a lunch date.

Enjoy the day all day long, with little messages, notes, a special breakfast that all lead up to dinner. But always keeping in mind, this is not the only day that we share our love with our significant other, it is daily.

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