PRESS RELEASE Author Rosie Moore Pen It! Publications, LLC


Author Rosie Moore has recently signed with Pen It! Publications, LLC to publish several of her books.  Most recently we have released A Story of Faith.

Rosie Moore is an author of children and adult books.  Her career paths have led her through being a master wedding and event planner, travel agent, nurse, mother, and founder of the non-profit organization called The Gift of Life.  There’s nothing more inspiring than a story that touches the heart and grants insight into deeper truths. She presents her collection of impactful works in addition to A Story of Faith, a book where Rosie shares her struggles, triumphs, and takeaways about infertility and having a child born premature. Her lessons for children can be seen in the children’s books she has authored.  These stories help children find comfort and confidence of fear, loneliness, and self-doubt. A percentage of the proceeds from all of Rosie Moore’s books go to support The Gift of Life, an organization that supports and empowers the parents and families of premature infants.

Rosie has three children, Christopher, Kayla, Kaleb, and one fur baby, Daisy the Basset Hound.  She is bilingual in Spanish and holds a translator certification through Berlitz. She has worked for many years in the healthcare and legal field, where her compassion and love of people originated.  Her hobbies include reading, writing, dancing, spending time with her kids, and her husband.  Most recently Rosie Moore was crowned Mrs. Windermere and hopes to use the platform to raise awareness about The Gift of Life.




A Story of Faith:  Sometimes you ask yourself, “Why do I go through the challenges that I go through,” and later on you find out that it is to glorify the Lord. But I tell you, at the time the challenge and trial is taking place, it is not the best time in one’s life. It often feels like the end of the world and like there is nowhere to turn. The emotions that one feels are personal and often it feels like the Lord has abandoned us. But, it is in those tough times, that the Lord is closest to us. He is guiding us and molding us into the Christian woman or man that He wants us to be.   Rosie Moore devotes her time to the Lord and shares with you this inspirational book: A Story of Faith. It is her hope that it helps you along the way in your walk with God.

Amazon Book Link:

Amazon E-book Link:

ISBN #:    978-1547092628

ISBN #:     1547092629

If you have any questions or require additional information in order to print this press release, it would be our pleasure to assist you.  You may email Debi Stanton, President of Pen It! Publications, LLC at for more information.

Thank you

How Do You Begin to Write About Your Best Friend

How do you begin to write about your best friend.  The friend that unconditionally was there for you during the good times and the bad times?  Today I will share with you the story of my 2nd best friend.  I thought that after I lost my first best friend that grew up with me, that I would never find anyone like her, but I did.

When Chris and Kayla were each 7 and 3,  they wanted a dog to call their own.  We had decided that we would adopt one.  We registered with Just Puppies and got the call that we had a new doggie waiting for us for Christmas. Two weeks later they called to say that we were not getting the dog, because he was not up to par for them to bring home.  We were devastated. Then we got the call, a litter was born 12/9/98 and there was a dog for us.  They said we can pick him up once they turned 8 weeks.  We counted the weeks.  On Valentines’s day 1999, we got to go and pick out our new member of the family.  We drove there and immediately connected with all  the dogs, but this one looked up at us and we knew he was the one!  Chris wanted to name him Rusty. So home came Rusty with us.  The car ride was interesting, He peed on mommy!

Rusty grew up with the kids and was the third child I never had.  The kids would put him in there little tykes car as the passenger, up and down the slide, running in the yard and trips to the park.  It was so funny to see the kids in the neighborhood chasing him around the house when he would be getting a bath and he would hide behind the tree as Mommy would laugh at the site of a lathered up dog not wanting a bath.

As the kids grew, Chris played soccer and off we would go to play soccer with Rusty.  He practiced in our yard with Chris and would grab the ball.  He loved to run.  Whenever he would go to soccer games, he would go and if the ball would come to him, he would grab the ball not knowing that this was a game. A few times he would cause fowls because he would jet out on the field to play with the kids thinking it was like he did at home with Chris.

I won’t forget the year we had three hurricanes and how Rusty and the kids and I all huddled in the bedroom to await the storm and pass through it. He stayed right beside us and would nudge everyone to let us know he was there . That summer being our first year in our new home, the kids would go to grandma’s house and so did Rusty.  Grandma would joke and say when did I become the dog sitter ?  When it was time to go back to school, I got the kids in the car and had left the  trunk open to get back packs in and closed the door.  As I pulled away I saw some blankets moving in the trunk of the truck and thought what is that and got a whiff of doggy smell and stopped the car and sure enough, Rusty snuck in the truck thinking he was going somewhere .  Rusty has been show and tell for both kids at school.

When we first moved to the new home, I remember the fire alarm going off by accident and chirping that there was carbon monoxide poisoning.  Wow I called the non emergency fire department and got two ambulance, two fire tricks and the Firechief  over.  The fireman ready with an axe , we all were wondering  what was happening.   Glad they all came out for a  non emergency.  Well come to find out , ants were on the fire alarm from being in storage when they built our house.  I had about 10 fireman at my house and my neighbor at the time a few houses away came to check out what was happening.  She managed to tell the firefighters , “oh by the way she is single, ”  and they all lined up to give Mr. Rusty a pat on the head ending with a walk on the fire truck and a few extra smiles and requests to call them again if I needed anything, lol!

That year Chris went to school at the boychoir school in NJ and he sure missed Rusty, they both moped for awhile.  The day that Chris came for his first visit, I don’t know who was going to pee first Rusty or Chris from excitement.  The sheer joy in both their eyes!

Christmas was always a special time of year around our house for the kids and Rusty! Rusty always waited for something from Santa  He was the first one to get his toys and bones.  Rusty was a good dog so Santa was extra special to him.

Then came a new friend for Rusty to the House, it was Marcus.  He wondered about Marcus I imagine, but took on to him quite well.  Marcus learned to love Rusty as he was part of the family.  I remember when Marcus and I were getting married that we did some engagement pictures with Rusty and trying to fit a tuxedo on him for the picture.  It was a funny site!!

That year, we had another new member to the family,  Daisy a basset hound.  Rusty was probably in shock, but being the good-natured dog that he was, he accepted her . They became the best of friends, even when Daisy got herself in trouble.  It got to the point where they were inseparable. He let her have his toys and shared his bed with her because although they each had theirs, Daisy preferred to be with Rusty.

A few years later, came a new bouncing baby boy Kaleb!  Kaleb was very sick,  so many people came over to the house to take care of Kaleb .  They all met Rusty and got to love on him as well as Daisy.  But Rusty was always the faithful one staying close by to take care of Kaleb.  It got hard for him in the last few years to run after a ball of energy like Kaleb, but Rusty always kept a watchful eye for him.  Kaleb respected him and although he played with Daisy since she can run around, he lined up his trains in front of Rusty and told him stories.  Rusty,  bless his heart would look on and wag his tail.  Up until the other day, Rusty still watched out for Kaleb.  I heard him barking and wondered what is all the barking  about, it was Kaleb in the hallway, he got a hold of the toothpaste and thought it would be a good idea to clean my furniture with it. Rusty was barking because he could not walk over to him to correct him for what he was doing( Smart Dog!!)

I remember two years ago being very sick with a flu bug, and not being able to sleep in my bed and sleeping in front of the fireplace which Rusty loved and he just laid at my side leaving only to eat and do his business.  He was old faithful.  So it is no wonder when he started getting weak, unable to walk that we became hospice for him.  Initially we got him a harness to lift his back legs but it did not work.  Marcus started to carry him to go out and do his business.  Then it got to the point where he was unable to stand. So we fixed his bed out in the  living room with changing towels several times per day to do his business inside.  Yes it was stinky and yes it was work for Marcus to clean up, but we kept him comfortable.  He was not in pain, he still wagged his tail and looked at us with a look of appreciation.  We took care of him …

On  6/7/15 at 9:35pm our family’s best friend passed away ….I fed him his last bites of food and knew when I looked in his eyes that he was not going to be very long with us….we had thought about putting him to sleep because we knew that the time was coming.  But I prayed and said Lord, please take him on his own, I can’t bear to end my furry friend’s life….The Lord answered my prayer tonight…we had hoped that he would stay another few days to celebrate Daisy, the Bassett hounds’ 9th birthday tomorrow, but he hung as long as he could …I was so glad that he waited till I came home from a wedding rehearsal that I had today …I heard him bark several times today as he always did when he had done his business so he can get changed….

I thank Marcus for being the major caregiver for Rusty.  If there was an award for a humanitarian for a dog caretaker, he would get it.  He carried Rusty outside to feed him for several weeks, he showered him weekly, he fed him and comforted him after his ear surgery sleeping on the couch to keep Rusty company.  He truly gave him hospice care and kept him comfortable in his last few weeks…

I  miss my friend Rusty but I know he is at peace , together with Birdie my first dog and Suzie my Dad’s dog…

Rusty Rest in peace gone but never forgotten….I am so glad for the beautiful photos taken By Sivan Photography , that photo that I waited for 7 years to take when I knew my family was complete and she captured it! And all the years that Bruce Johnson from KBJ photography took of our family with our faithful Rusty in it!

We want to thank Rusty’s dog sitters throughout the years Melissa, Francine, Ashytyn, Christine and Maria and grandma and grandpa of course…

Dec 9, 1998-June 7, 2015 16.5 years of love and friendship….

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Dealing with Stressful Situations

Did you ever ask yourself how to deal with stressful situations? Sometimes in our day-to-day life, we encounter a situation that causes us stress.  This is the time that we need to redirect our focus to what the root of that stressful situation is.  If we can spend a moment to evaluate if what is causing us stress is something beyond our control or is it something that we can determine to not allow in our lives.  There is a lot of things that we can redirect our focus to for instance spending quality time with family and friends or reading a book outside our house on a park bench or wherever you consider it to be your quiet spot.


Finding the moment and location to refocus on yourself and what is important in your life, will help you to learn how to confront stressful situations and correct it or at least move on from it.  The best-kept secret to being happy is to know how to enjoy the things that you have before moving on to something new.

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Your Talents

When we think of talents we think about celebrities that have great talents to act, sing and dance.  But talent is given to everyone.  Sometimes we have not discovered our talents because they may not be visible to us. There are many talents that we all have, for instance, are you passionate about something?  Do you feel love towards people who are in need of shelter?  Do you feel compassion for people in nursing homes that do not have family visiting them anymore? If so then those are hidden talents that are not so obvious to others but so important in this world.  Another talent is being positive, seeing the best qualities in every individual when others can’t.  The next time that you think you do not have any talent, ask yourself this, what have you done all week and look at all your accomplishments.  Maybe you sat with a sick friend, offered to pray for people who are sick or hurting, maybe you offered to volunteer to serve meals at a shelter or make care packages for premature babies.  Whatever your talent, God gave it to you so use it to serve others and glorify God!

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Happy 113th Birthday Dr Seuss!!!

Today marks the 113th birthday of Dr Seuss.  What was your favorite story as a child?  Mine was always Green Eggs and Ham.  Read the article below from the Times to learn some things about the author and how he started writing children’s books….


Green eggs and ham [Book]

Beloved children’s book author Dr. Seuss would have turned 108 today, and he would surely have been proud to see that his works are still relevant as ever, resonating with children—and adults—of all ages. Born Theodor Seuss Geisel in 1904, the writer produced more than 60 children’s books before his death in 1991.

So many of his books are classics, marking milestones of their readers. Both the book and the film adaptation of How the Grinch Stole Christmas are holiday classics. Oh, the Places You’ll Go is a wildly popular high school and college graduation gift. And one in four American children receives a Seuss work as his or her first book.

(PHOTOSThe Wacky World of Dr. Seuss in Movies and TV)

While many of us know him through the lens of his beloved characters, there was much more to Geisel than his drawings and rhymes. Below are a few things you may not have known about good ol’ Dr. Seuss:

  • Geisel started using the pen name Dr. Seuss after he was forced to resign from his post as editor-in-chief of the Dartmouth humor magazine, Jack-O-Lantern. He was caught throwing a party and drinking gin with his friends in his room, and because this was back during Prohibition, he had to pay the price. He managed to keep writing for the magazine, but under the pseudonym “Seuss,” which was his mother’s maiden name. He started using “Dr. Seuss” after he graduated college, as a consolation to his father for never pursuing medicine.
  • The Cat in the Hat author originally said the correct pronunciation of “Seuss” rhymes with “voice.” He later changed it to rhyme with “goose,” as it was how most people pronounced it.
  • Geisel also wrote under the pen names Theo LeSieg and Rosetta Stone.
  • He is said to have coined the word “nerd.” According to, the first recorded instance of the word “nerd” is in Seuss’ 1950 book, If I Ran the Zoo.
  • Before he started writing children’s books, Geisel was an ad man, creating satirical advertisements for General Electric, Standard Oil, NBC, and others. He was also a World War II political cartoonist, and joined the Army as a Captain, making educational and propaganda films. Two documentary films based on works he created (Hitler Lives? and Design for Death) won Academy Awards.
  • Dr. Seuss practiced what he preached: his first book, And to Think I Saw It on Mulberry Street, was rejected by 27 different publishers before it finally got picked up. “Think left and think right and think low and think high. Oh, the thinks you can think up if only you try!” Seuss once wrote. Try, try, try again, he did.
  • Though he knows how to write for children and their wild imaginations, he never had kids of his own. “You make ’em, I amuse ‘em,” he once said. His wife said in an interview once that he “couldn’t just sit down on the floor and play with them,” and was always a bit uncomfortable and afraid around them.
  • He had a bit of a dirty mouth, and would try to sneak in some PG-13 language into his works. The first version of “Hop on Pop” that was sent to his publisher included the word “contraceptive” in one of the verses.
  • Geisel considered his greatest achievement to be killing off the Dick and Jane books, which he said weren’t challenging enough for children, and were boring. Dr. Seuss’ books became the new standard in children’s publishing—expanding the imagination through brilliant illustration, social issues, and clever rhymes and vocabulary.


Valentine’s Day is Here

Happy Valentine’s Day!!! By now most everyone has planned their day and night out for Valentine’s Day, but if you have not here are a few ideas that are not only good for Valentine’s Day, but any day that you want to have a date night.  This year Valentine’s Day falls on a Tuesday so the beginning of the week celebration is hard.  Some couples celebrated during this past weekend and others will incorporate their celebration in to next weekend because it is President’s weekend.  Whatever you decide to do whether go out, get away or stay at home, there is no right or wrong way to spend the day.  The important thing is to remember that God gave you that special someone to share your love with and every day of the year, not just Valentine’s Day, is an opportunity to show that special someone that you love them with your words and acts of love.

If you are still looking for something to do on Valentine’s Day or a few days later, here are a few ideas:

  1. Try a dessert only place

2. Go to a show or a play

3. Take a moonlight carriage ride in the park

4.Plan a romantic dinner out on the town ( just be prepared for set menus at certain places and reservations will be needed)

5. Check your town for art festivals

6. A weekend getaway

7. A night at a bed and breakfast (Mt Dora is beautiful with its historical places)

8. A couples massage and pampering at a spa ( check out groupon for specials)

9. A walk on Park Avenue in Winter Park, ending at a cafe for coffee and romantic whispers

10. If you are staying home, rent a romantic movie, order take out from your favorite place and dance to your favorite song (if you have kids, maybe a night at grandma’s or babysitter for a few hours.  It is a school night so dinner may need to be a little earlier)

11. Champagne toast Balloon Ride

12. Picnic in the park or at the beach

13. Dinner or lunch cruise ( Rivership Romance has some great excursions on the St. John’s River)

14. Fondue for two (The Melting Pot has several locations )

15. Dancing the night away (Universal City Walk and Disney’s Pleasure Island have dancing halls)

Whatever you and your sweetie decide to do on this day, enjoy it.  It does not have to be fancy and expensive to show someone that you love them.  If all you can do is write a love letter and say , ‘honey I love you,” then make it the best handwritten letter and I love you that you can think of.

Happy Valentine’s Day from the Moores! We hope that you enjoyed this 14 day countdown to Valentine’s Day!

Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling

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