Christmas Countdown Day 6

Can you remember as a kid going out with your family to buy a Christmas tree?  The smell of the fresh pine, coming home to decorate the tree as a family, and the hot cocoa or apple cider that your parents made for you?    Those are the memories that we carry and bring to our own families. The memories of having family time together and singing Christmas carols is what Christmas is really about.  The moments that are not captured on a cell phone video but instead captured in our hearts to treasure forever.  Technology can come and go and pictures can be deleted, but the feeling that you get when your child or significant other see the tree decorated for the first time is priceless. Happy tree shopping!!!


Follow author Rosie Moore




Christmas Countdown Day 5

This time of year it is pretty hard to not find a store or radio station that is not playing Christmas music.  Sometimes we listen to the music and we don’t really pay attention to what is playing, it is just background music in our distracted lives.  Many people say that listening to Christmas music puts you in the Christmas spirit, there is truth to that! As you go through your busy day when you start to feel stressed, turn on some Christmas music and sing along to uplift your mood. It may not take away the reason that you are stressed but it may certainly uplift you to a point that the stressful situation is not consuming your life 24/7.

Follow author Rosie Moore





Christmas Countdown Day 4

When was the last time that you received a handwritten note from someone? Do you remember how the note made you feel?  In this technology savvy world we are quick to text, send an email, or message on social media.  We have forgotten the art of sending the person you love a card or a note “just because”.  We don’t send Christmas cards, get well wishes, thank you cards, or thinking about you cards, sometimes even birthday cards are forgotten.

I remember when my son was in the Neonatal Intensive care Unit (NICU) during Christmas.   On Christmas day someone gave us an umbrella, a devotion book, and a rattle for the baby with a note that said, “I know that you can’t come home for Christmas and it is a difficult time, but we are praying for you and your little miracle.” At that point I did not care about the gifts.  What touched my heart was the message that came with the gifts.  Someone cared to give me a handwritten note.

This Christmas think about writing a note to those around us that we see daily as well as anyone that we have not spoken to in awhile. That note can uplift someone’s day.

Follow author Rosie Moore




Christmas Countdown Day 3

Today’s countdown is about reflection and letting go of the things that we cannot change.  The holidays often bring out feelings in people that throughout the rest of the year are not felt. Often times these feelings come as a result of memories of a happier time in their lives with the wish that things would go back to the way they were when they were at their happiest time.   We can’t change the things that happened in our past and bring that former life to the present, but we can change the way we look at things in the future.

Today I read about a friend’s husband who always had the tradition that every day before bed they would kiss, hug, and tell each that they loved each other.

Who knew that December 1, 2017, would be the last time that she would ever hear those words, “I love you”, or feel the warmth of his hug, and the intimacy of his kiss? That is what happened when she awoke on December 2, he had passed away in his sleep. Often times we go to bed angry with our spouse, friends, family, and angry at the world.  Let us remember what it is that we are mad about and ask ourselves, is it worth the battle?

Follow author Rosie Moore




Christmas Countdown Day 2

Part of the fun of celebrating Christmas is wrapping the treasures that you have found for family and friends.

This year as you wrap your gifts think about each person that you have bought a gift for and take a moment to remember a special memory about that person; write that special memory on their Christmas card as an added gift.

As you wrap gifts, remember to wrap on a table or countertop so as not to strain your back and neck wrapping on the floor.

Follow author Rosie Moore




Christmas Countdown Day 1

As we begin the Christmas season let’s  take a moment to remember the traditions that we celebrated as we were children.  For some of us, it is the smell of baking cookies, the anticipation of picking out a tree and bringing it home to decorate, drinking hot cocoa and singing Christmas carols, and so much more.  As we fast forward to today we realize that the world is moving faster than it did in our childhood memories that made Christmas special for us and our families.  Today let’s take a vow of tradition to slow down, put aside all the rush of the commercialized Christmas celebrations, and take a moment to just spend time with those close to us.  If you don’t have a tradition, start one that fits your lifestyle, whether you are single, married,  divorced, widow, with or without kids, it is a time for you.   Merry Christmas!

Follow author Rosie Moore


