Christmas Countdown Day 22

What a great gift I received for my birthday yesterday.  My BFF invited me out to lunch and some last minute shopping at the mall. 

When I arrived at the mall I was thinking about how crowded it may be but in the late morning on a Friday it was not overpacked at all.  It was pleasant to stroll through the mall and be greeted with a smile from a gentleman that had the look of love in his eyes as he was leaving the mall with a little package from Tiffanys.

I then passed a gentleman with a shopping bag from Prada beaming from ear to ear as he quickly walked around the mall.

I continued to make my way to the restaurant passing yet another gentleman on the phone sharing his treasure with someone on the phone about his gift from Louis Vuitton.

As I approached Tiffany’s I saw two more gentlemen with little bags from Tiffany’s.   I glanced into Tiffany’s to see the store filled with male shoppers, talking with the salespeople.

As I proceeded on my journey I looked around and saw mostly men shopping and started to think to myself about the first few people that I saw with their special gifts they selected for their significant others.  Not everyone, of course, can spend the prices that Tiffanys, Prada, or Louis Vuitton charge, however when it comes time to selecting a gift for that special someone, it is not the price but the thought that comes from your heart and how you present it.

A simple card that says you love someone and the gift of time may be the gift that will always be remembered.  So this Christmas whether you can afford a gift for that special someone or you can’t due to circumstances, take the time to write a beautiful love letter about the way you feel towards that special someone.  Really put some thought into what is in your heart, your significant other will treasure that forever.

I finally made it to my lunch with my BFF and realized that we all need days like this to share lunch, dinner, a cup of coffee, or tea with those near to our heart and cultivate those relationships.


Follow author Rosie Moore





Christmas Countdown Day 21

December 21st is the first day of winter and also the shortest day of the year. It gets darker sooner as we start the winter months.

Take a moment to light some candles and make the evening warm and inviting.

Get comfy on the couch

as you enjoy the quiet time before the rush of Christmas sets in.
Enjoy a good book with a cup of your favorite coffee, hot cocoa, or tea.

This quiet time can be exactly what you need tonight to recharge your batteries before the Christmas festivities start.

Follow author Rosie Moore




Christmas Countdown Day 20

As the schedules get busier and the stress levels increase, we tend to stay up later and get run down, making us susceptible to feeling sluggish and decreasing our immune system.

Today take note to drink plenty of water to keep hydrated and vitamin C.

Another great remedy to fend off colds and flu is a cup of echinacea tea and if you are like me that loves some added flavor,  adding raspberry tea goes great with echinacea tea.

Always carry a little bottle of antibacterial in your purse as you leave places to use.  This is the season for colds and flu so if you cannot access soap and water right away, the antibacterial will help keep the germs at bay.

Follow author Rosie Moore




Christmas Countdown Day 19

Take a moment to sit outside and enjoy the Florida Sunshine.

Other parts of the country are experiencing snow and cold weather, so sitting outside may be a bit hard in 20-degree weather, but it is important to get out and breathe the fresh air.

Whether you are in the sunny state of Florida

or in the cold state of Michigan,

enjoy a few minutes outdoors recharging your mind before the busy days of Christmas to do’s take over.

Follow author Rosie Moore





Christmas Countdown Day 18

Preparing for Christmas company can be a stressful time of the year for many especially with a busy work schedule and family activities that happen right through the last day of school.  With Christmas 6 days away and the countless things that have to be done, take a moment to breathe and think things through.  Make a list of all the things that need to be done and enlist the help of everyone in the family.

As you clean and prepare the guest room, take a moment to throw in a load of laundry;

as you bake, throw in another load of laundry; it may not be the way you are used to doing laundry and it will feel like you are doing laundry every day (which technically you are) but the loads will be smaller, you will have clean clothes, spend less time folding, and putting them away.

For an added treat make your home smell inviting with this simple recipe:

1 tablespoon of cinnamon

1 tablespoon of bay leaves

1 tablespoon of sage leaves

1 tablespoon of rosemary

1 tablespoon of lavender

2 cups of water

Mix all of these in an old medium saucepan and let it simmer on the stove on low heat and your home will be scented.

Follow author Rosie Moore




Christmas Countdown Day 17

Are you thankful for your fur babies?

The Christmas season can be a little confusing to animals during this holiday season.  They see more activity, smell different foods, have lights on a tree that may have been their spot to lay in, and visitors that normally do not come all year round.

Remember to be sensitive to your pets and do not feed them chocolate or any other number of things that you may eat but may not be safe for pets.  Pets are eager to please you, so remember to give them an extra pat and love on them so that they feel secure in knowing that the changes they see have not made you forget about them.

PS Make sure that you write to Santa Paws and tell him what a good little fur baby you have!

Follow author Rosie Moore


