Christmas Ghosts and Miracles

Christmas Ghosts and Miracles

Every year author Rosie Moore writes encouraging messages daily for the 25 day countdown to Christmas. This year she was preoccupied with the new ventures in life and she almost let the year go by without writing, but as she pondered on the thought, she wanted to bring you her readers, Christmas ghosts and Miracles. Stay tuned December 14th for these impactful ghosts and the miracles that came out of them.

Follow author Rosie Moore

Are You Living at Peace?

As we stop to think of what is happening in the world and what our youth is being exposed to, I can’t help but pray for our nation and my own little one growing up in this world.

When I started to work today and went about my day, I reflected on what having peace in my life means to me.  It represents that centuries ago a baby was born and for 33 years He dedicated His life to share God’s Word, heal the sick, and give faith to those who lacked it by the miracles He performed on earth.  This baby was God’s only Son that He gave up to save us.  I know most people will bypass my writing today, but it’s okay I don’t mind, those that need the encouragement will read it.

As I watch this video I think of what it represents.  It represents the joy of God when we are saved and how He loves us and will do anything for us, however He gives us free will.  In that free will, we have to recognize that we need Him when we stray.  Many things call us away from the Lord, drugs, alcohol, wrong crowds, parties, and just whatever is sin in general. We have all fallen short as the Bible says, but as we repent of our sins daily God forgives us.  Sometimes we have to go through many trials of failures, illnesses, financial ruin, and fall on our face and even get so close to death before we surrender all to God. Why is that?  Because   we are all human and have free will,

Despite our sins, Jesus is interceding for us.  But He cannot help us if we don’t ask Him in to our lives and surrender our hearts to Him.  I am not saying that once that happens we will be free of all harm, because in this world we will have trials.  But I can promise you that the trials can be more tolerable with God by our side.

Watch in this video about how this young lady has the love of the Lord but then a fast talking boyfriend offers her love that she thinks is missing in her life.  That love leads to sex, drugs, alcohol, bulimia, cutting herself and almost losing her life and when she cries out to the Lord, the battle she faces to try and leave.  But what happens? As she is fighting, you can see the Lord interceding for her, she asks God for strength and the Lord comes to fight for her and takes the beatings to save her.  Many of us are just like her in this video, fighting to get to the Lord but we don’t know how to get to Him because many things get in the way.  Today I am here to tell you that you do not have to fight anymore, just reach out to God call His name and He will help you.

As you see in this video, The Lord cleans her up and takes her in His arms because He loves us as we are.  Today and tomorrow as you reflect on your own life and what peace means, think about these words, many centuries ago, a man gave up His life of comfort and security because His Father asked Him to.  As an obedient Son, He did, why would He do that you ask? He gave up His life because we are all God’s children and He wanted all of us to have an opportunity to be saved. So today, reach out to Him.

This post came as a surprise to me, but I am posting it because it is what I felt in my heart to write.

John 3:16 –21 “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. 17 For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. 18 Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because they have not believed in the name of God’s one and only Son. 19 This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but people loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil. 20 Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that their deeds will be exposed. 21 But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what they have done has been done in the sight of God.”

If this blog touched your heart please comment, like, and share it.  If you find yourself in a place where you are ready to give up, please contact us for prayer, we are here to help.


Happy New Year 2018

As you think about New Year’s Resolutions and goals this year, take one to heart. Make 2018 the year of picking up the phone and talking to someone instead of texts and emails all the time. Be purposeful in setting time for coffee and lunch with a friend. You may not reach 100 people but at the end of the day isn’t it better to have 5 people who are close to you than 100 people that you can’t tell anyone what their first and last name is and what they enjoy doing for fun? Happy New Year 2018.

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Follow author Rosie Moore




Serendipity December 27th

December 27, 2005, a man named Marcus Moore asked me to be his wife by heart-shaped fireworks as we watched them from my house. Today is our 12 year engagement anniversary. Many don’t know the whole story, but if you read my book A Story of Faith, you will be able to read in detail how we ended up together. Today is about saying thank you to a man that allowed me in 12 years to become who I am today. In 12 years I completed my bachelors, masters and I am also almost finished with my doctorate of nurse practice.   We started a successful wedding business 27 Miracles, a non-profit organization called The Gift of Life, expanded my love of dance to a point where I could go to a competition in a group and win 1st place with my group, performed in ballets, Christmas shows, and musicals.   We have traveled to places I have never been before, learned to laugh, and care about others, write books, and become a legal nurse.  We had a beautiful baby boy that although born prematurely was the inspiration to start a non-profit to help other premature babies and their families. 

I was able to achieve a Master Bridal Consultant designation.  My latest accomplishment was the designation of Mrs. Windermere International, through this title I am able to reach audiences I would never have dreamed of reaching for my platform The Gift of Life. 


To think he manages all this in my life.  I am sure there is so much more …but first of all, I thank God for placing Marcus in my path many years ago and then I thank Marcus for being there for me through the ups and downs of life. Happy 12 year engagement anniversary! A serendipity moment that neither of us will ever forget.

If today you are looking for that serendipity moment in your life, do not worry it will come.  I waited almost 8 years for it.

Read A Story of Faith

and my newest romance novel based on fiction but oh so inspiring to many, When Being in Love Hurts.  

Give yourself time, the right person will come in your life one day when you least expect it.  Miracles do happen!

Follow author Rosie Moore




Christmas Countdown Day 24

As we approach Christmas Day, let’s take a moment to remember everything we did over the last 23 days through the Christmas countdown and incorporate it into the rest of the year.  Take those long walks,  coffee and tea breaks with an old friend or a new friend, love on your kids and significant other each day, and enjoy life as it was meant to be enjoyed.  We will always have stress, trials, and difficult times at some point in our lives, but how we handle those times will help us get through them.

Tonight read by the Christmas tree with your little ones and remember the times from your childhood and the anticipation for Santa to arrive.  If you do not have kids or  your kids are grown, sit by the tree and read something that you enjoy and remember those special moments that you had as a child.

Merry Christmas!

Follow author Rosie Moore




Christmas Countdown Day 23

One of my favorite past times is walking around the neighborhood to see the Christmas lights.  There is something different about walking to see the lights vs just driving in your car.  Tonight if you get an opportunity drive to a place that has beautiful lights, park, and walk down the strets to see them.  Walking is good exercise but it also gives you an opportunity to disconnect from social media, tv, radios, and the pressing numerous chores left behind.

Follow author Rosie Moore


