Christmas Countdown Day 4 Genuine Happiness

Many people ask me what makes me genuinely happy? I believe that only you can make yourself happy if you choose to be.  It might sound simple to say just be happy, but being positive is one way that helps.  It is easy to complain about family, friends, co-workers or a spouse.  This Christmas season as we enter a new year, let’s not be so quick to complain about others, let’s talk about the good that someone does.  Sometimes it really takes a lot of effort on our part especially if the person is not nice, but we can ALL do it!  So the secret to genuine happiness is being generous in our love, sharing it with others and focusing on what we have to give and not what we do not have.  It is not always about our financial status but our spiritual status.  Our love should radiate out from inside and spread to others.

Follow author Rosie Moore

Merry Christmas!


Christmas Countdown Day 3 Make Memories

Christmas is a very busy season for many and it is easy to get caught up in everything that we have to do to get ready.  It almost seems like we should start our decorating and preparations on November 1st so that when December 1st comes around we can enjoy family and gather around the tree to enjoy special moments.  This Christmas take a moment to spend time doing something that is special to you or a loved one instead of spending money on getting something for the sake of getting a gift.  Plan a special trip with your loved ones, enjoy a movie, dinner, theme park or whatever it is that you consider quality time.  Gifts do not always have to be tangible, they can be the quality time that you spend with someone.

Follow author Rosie Moore

Merry Christmas!


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Christmas Countdown Day 2 Embrace Friendship

It is easy to be friends with everyone that shares your same opinion, likes and dislikes and those in your inner circle.  This Christmas, embrace a new friendship, welcome someone new to share in the joy of Christmas.  Maybe there is someone who is at work, school or in your neighborhood that does not have the Christmas spirit.  Take a moment to encourage that person and nurture the friendship.  You will be surprised at how much you have to give of yourself to others as you share the Christmas spirit this season and it will make you a much happier and healthy you!

Follow author Rosie Moore

Merry Christmas!

Woman Visiting Pregnant Friend At Home


Christmas Countdown Day 1 Be Positive and Giving

When you are positive you maintain great health.  When you are negative, it causes parts of your brain to feel stress therefore causing heart problems which can lead to major health problems.  This Christmas season with all the hustle  ad bustle of shopping, parties, shows, and family gatherings, be positive and generous with family but also with strangers as you never know when you could be entertaining an angel. Volunteer somewhere to help others for a cause that you support or would like to support.  Volunteering can be at a nursing home, hospice, school, hospital, pet shelter, Ronald McDonald House  or with The Gift of Life an organization that supports premature babies and their parents through care packages, knitted hats and bears and emotional support. Studies have been done that if you volunteer you can live a longer healthier life.  See a study in the Huffington Post

Follow author Rosie Moore

The Gift of Life

Merry Christmas!
