Christmas Countdown Day 10 Listen to Christmas Music

We live in such a stressful world where everything is a rush and on demand.  The boss needs the work done yesterday, the kids need your time,  the school needs cookies, projects, your time, your husband needs you to be ready for the all important dinner with his boss and the list of demands on your time become compromised. You get to the point of just wanting to scream!  Take a moment on your drive to work, the store or if you are a stay at home mom and turn up the Christmas music, sing along if you want to, no one is listening! You will be amazed at how your entire body slows down as you hear soothing and familiar music .  There is a reason why in hospitals they have music therapy, it brings your respirations, heart rate and blood pressure down.  So crank up the Christmas music and destress daily!

Follow author Rosie Moore

Merry Christmas!




Christmas Countdown Day 9 Just for You

It seems that as soon as November rolls around for many of us we get really busy with children’s activities and the start of the holiday season with Thanksgiving, shopping for Christmas, decorating, plays, shows, family and non stop invitations to Christmas parties and activities.  We can make a career out of attending events all through the Christmas season without taking  a moment to recharge our batteries.

This Christmas season we are only 9 days in to the month, take a moment to write a list of what you have left to do, organize your time to allow some down time daily for yourself to just sip on coffee , tea, or hot cocoa uninterrupted, read, spend a few extra minutes just enjoying your significant other or your kids and pets.

Take another moment and write yourself a Christmas card and stick it in your stocking addressed “a Christmas gift to me” and enclose money/gift card to do whatever you like to do whether a pedicure, manicure, massage, facial, movie or anything that is a “just you” activity that will help you relax and enjoy the moment!

Follow author Rosie Moore

Merry Christmas!

Christmas stress - busy woman wearing santa hat stressing for christmas shopping holding may christmas gifts in her arms. Funny image of multiracial Asian Caucasian female model isolated on white background.

Christmas shopping woman thinking wearing santa hat and holding christmas gifts in shopping bag. Thinking mixed race Chinese Asian / Caucasian female model looking sideways smiling happy isolated on white background.


Christmas Countdown Day 8 Lingering Lips

Studies have shown that couples who kiss often are up to eight times less likely to feel stressed or depressed.

So tonight take a moment and meet your sweetie under the mistletoe and make it a habit to meet there often for a lifetime of good health.

At our house one year we forgot to put the mistletoe away and we have for the last few years enjoyed it staying out all year round!

Follow author Rosie Moore

Merry Christmas!


Christmas Countdown Day 7 Wrap Happily

Sometimes don’t you wish that you had elves that would take all the gifts you bought and wrapped them for you nicely?  Well, in a busy mom’s world I am sure that is a great idea.  To help you get started on wrapping, play some Christmas music that will put you in the Christmas spirit with some egg nog or hot cocoa.  Bending over on the floor can be hard on your back while wrapping gifts.  Consider wrapping on your kitchen table, dining room table or counter while standing on a mat and wearing comfortable shoes or wrap gifts while sitting down.  Following good body mechanics can save you a backache later on.  Another time-saving tip is to check the stores that you are purchasing your gifts from, some of them offer free gift wrapping, some charge a nominal fee and donate to a charity and sometimes the charity itself is at the store wrapping.  Happy Gift Wrapping!

Follow author Rosie Moore

Merry Christmas!




Christmas Countdown Day 6 Traditions

Everyone has a tradition that they carry from years prior in their own life.  Some traditions come from growing up and some are developed as a new family.  These traditions no matter how they started, give us memories and a way to belong to something that is familiar to us.  This year take a moment to ask a friend about their family traditions and take an interest in their story.  Why you may ask?  This Christmas season make it about caring about someone else’s life and if that tradition includes making cookies, creating a new holiday dish to serve, or painting a new ornament, give that friend a new recipe to share or paint a new ornament with the year inscribed.   Share with your friend that you want to enhance their tradition this year and give them something to remember you by.  It does not have to be about spending a lot, it can be something as simple as writing a new recipe on a card or making it for them; the idea behind this is making memories that will live on for years to come.

Follow author Rosie Moore

Merry Christmas!


Christmas Countdown Day 5 Exercise and Friends

The least thing that people want to do at times is start to exercise during the holidays because it is so busy and tempting with all the treats that are around.  Many people also eat to fill a void that is in their life when they are home alone or they lack motivation to do something like working out at a gym or even walking around the neighborhood.  This Christmas season, look for someone who you know is struggling with working out and encourage them.  Make a committment to meet them at the gym or park every day.  This will make the person accountable to you and at the same time for you.  Your friend will succeed and do better because of your encouragement.

Follow author Rosie Moore

Merry Christmas!
