Christmas Countdown Day 16 Missing Family

This time of year can be very happy for many and sad for others and the seasons change based on what is happening in our lives.  Some have suffered the loss of a family member by death, others suffered divorce or loss of a relationship, friendship or family that drifts away.  Whatever the situation may be,  it is a loss that brings sadness to our lives.  Some families do not have financial ability to have a “good Christmas”.  Define ‘good Christmas,” is it presents, fancy decorations, big fancy dinners, or vacations?  For most of us, those things would be nice, but the reality is we all long to be loved unconditionally and to receive the greatest gift of all, to have someone special in our lives that will just spend time with us and love on us.  Many families have arguments during this time especially families who are divorced because each parent wants their child with them for the holiday and when we look around the child is the one affected at the end.  Later on these children grow up either resenting Christmas or really embracing it, it all depends how they perceive it.

This Christmas, let’s make it a conscious effort to set aside our disagreements, love on family and friends a little more and if we can give a tangible gift that is great, but if we cannot, then a heartfelt card that comes genuinely from your heart will go a long way. Remember those that are elderly and those that are missing a loved one this year.  It is not easy because that person is gone forever and although their memory lives on, the gap in our heart is always there as we miss them.  If you have your loved ones with you, hug and kiss them a little longer and make memories that you can treasure always because tomorrow is not promised and we should not live with regrets in our lives.  Forgiveness is not always easy, because we have to be humble, but at the end, you will be a much better person for it.

Follow author Rosie Moore Christmas!


Boy watching snow fall


Sad girl with her fighting parents



Christmas Countdown Day 15 Stress Relief

With only ten days left till Christmas, it seems impossible to get everything done in time.  Everyone has to work, kids are finishing the last few days of school, the house needs cleaning , family is coming, last minute gifts have to be bought and some have not started their shopping at all.  This sounds like a moment for  a bath salt commercial!!  As you have been reading the Christmas countdowns the last 14 days, they have all been about enjoying the Christmas season with family, friends and making time for yourself to recharge your batteries.  It is easy for all of us to get wrapped up in this busy season.  Let’s take a moment to make a list and see what you can organize to get done in a timely manner.  Think of where you need to go after work, during lunch and in between to get it all done without creating you more stress.  It is hard to get organized sometimes with all the demands but it can be done when you have a mission and a plan to get there !

Happy Organizing!

Follow author Rosie Moore

Merry Christmas!


Closeup of smiling African American woman writing on notepad at home


Christmas Countdown Day 14 Comfortable Soles

Christmas shopping can have your feet barking at the end of the day.  It is important to wear comfortable shoes or sneakers that will protect you feet from the stress of walking to fund that ultimate perfect gift.  When you get home, take a moment to soak your feet, once you do that then you can wrap a towel  around one foot and grab both ends of the towel, then pull your toes towards you for 15 seconds, then release it.  Do this until you feel the soreness go away on each foot.

Follow author Rosie Moore

Merry Christmas!



Christmas Countdown Day 13 Laughter

There is nothing like a good belly laugh to help you feel the joy of the season any time of year but especially during Christmas!  So this Christmas turn on some of your favorite holiday movies and enjoy more laughing it will do your health a world of good!  Some oldies are Home Alone 1 and 2, The Santa Clause and The Most Wonderful Time of the Year , enjoy some laughter!

Follow author Rosie Moore

Merry Christmas!


Christmas Countdown Day 12 Rest Time

Just about this time, people start to feel tired, overwhelmed at all they have done and still have left to do with 12 days left until Christmas Eve. This Christmas don’t get wrapped up in so much to do, instead take a moment to take a nap.  Even if you are not sleepy and don’t actually fall asleep, rest your  head and your eyes in a dark room or at least a quiet room for 15-20 minutes.  You will be amazed at how much clearer your thinking will be and you will not be as tired.

Follow author Rosie Moore

Merry Christmas!


Christmas Countdown Day 11 Drink and Be Merry

Did you know that dark chocolate helps to reduce blood pressure?

Enjoy this recipe:

Heat 3/4 cup of milk in a saucepan over medium heat until just before boiling.

Remove from heat and transfer to a large mug

Stir in 1 ounce coarsely chopped bittersweet or semi sweet chocolate pieces

Let stand about 30 seconds then stir to combine

Have this along with some Christmas music playing in the background as you sit in front of your fireplace or on your porch and start enjoying life!

Follow author Rosie Moore

Merry Christmas!
