Christmas Countdown Day 22 Take Care

Ugh now three days before Christmas and a cold sore appears on your mouth, what?  Stay calm, stress will cause these things to pop up.  The best thing to do is to start taking care of yourself early on, we know that the holiday season can be a source of stress for many, but we need to remember that when we are run down we are susceptible to colds.  Some helpful hints, good hand washing, antibacterial everywhere you go, if you start to feel sick, drink  Echinacea tea with honey and lemon and take your zinc and vitamin c tablets( check with your doctor first to be sure that you can take these).  To take care of the cold sore see some remedies here from peppermint oil, to vanilla and more.

Follow author Rosie Moore

Merry Christmas!


Christmas Countdown Day 21 Shortest Day

December 21st is the shortest day of the year and also the first day of winter.  As the days get shorter and the nights get longer we are okay during the holiday season with that but after a while, the lack of sunlight can send some people off into a depressed mode if they work long hours and get up in the dark to go to work and come back in the dark.  Make your home brighter this winter season and light some candles when you are home, whether real candles or the battery operated ones.  The goal is to create a warm and bright indoor feeling.  If you are able to get out at lunch time, do so and get some sun as you walk outside, the benefits will do you good.

Follow author Rosie Moore

Merry Christmas!



Christmas Countdown Day 20 Healthy Habits

The holidays are here starting with Thanksgiving and lingering through New Year’s and sometimes Valentine’s Day and Easter!  There goes the diet! We all stress about what we eat and whether we should eat something or not whether for health reasons or body image reason.  The key thing to remember is that diets come and go, the best way to handle things is learning what to eat and in what moderation to eat it in.  For instance if you know that you love cookies during Christmas, have 1 or 2 as opposed to the 6-7 in one sitting.  Eat you regular meals and if you are eating out and something that you normally do not eat, try to be selective and sample verses overloading the plate with that favorite food that is not good for your health.  If you sample in smaller portions that which you like but cannot eat, then you will not feel like you are depriving yourself of the food but at the same time not overloading yourself where the next morning you wake up feeling like a truck ran over you from the sugar high.

Happy healthy eating with a sampling of your favorite foods in moderation!

Follow author Rosie Moore

Merry Christmas!


Man contemplating eating healthy or unhealthy food, studio shot

Christmas Countdown Day 19 Candy Canes

Did you know that peppermint oil that is found in candy canes acts as a calming tonic for stress? So grab a candy cane as you wrap gifts, go out shopping and relax!

Follow author Rosie Moore

Merry Christmas!


Christmas Countdown Day 18 Connect to Nature

In Florida we are blessed to have the sunshine and warmer weather all year round.  Yes it is true we get acclimated to the warm weather so when the temperature gets to 60 degrees we will be running to get our Florida winter gear while our counterparts up North are wondering why we are so cold when it is a balmy 9 degrees and snowing in places like Michigan and Chicago.

But today it is not about the weather, it is about getting out and about no matter where you are  even for a few minutes in those cold spots. If you are in a cold climate, bundle yourself up and sit on your lawn chair.  It is very easy to stay inside and say that it is cold and you have too many things to do to get caught up before Christmas, but fight for your peace.  Sit quietly outside and watch the snow fall, the rain fall, the sunrise or the sunset, whatever you enjoy.  Close your eyes and for a minute think about all the blessings that you have been blessed with this year.  If you are a person that prays, take a moment and thank God for those blessings and then think about how you can bless someone this Christmas with a gift of comfort, food, donation or just a simple I am thinking about you. This will bring you inner peace to help you get through the rest of the holidays but most important give you encouragement to work this time in to your daily routine throughout the year.

Follow author Rosie Moore

Merry Christmas!


Young Woman Sleeping on Lawn Chair --- Image by © Royalty-Free/Corbis

Christmas Countdown Day 17 Scent for Company

With so many allergies these days that people have it is difficult to have company sometimes and wonder if you should burn that favorite candle that you have or whether to forgo the candles this year.  Here is a simple recipe for making the house smell great besides the smell of fresh-baked cookies which nothing can top that!

Add a tablespoon of each herb to 2 cups of water, simmer it on low heat in an old pan, but do not let it get to a boil:

Dry cinnamon, bay leaves, sage leaves, rosemary and lavender.

This recipe of natural scents will put anyone in a festive mood without causing any allergic reactions to people.

Follow author Rosie Moore

Merry Christmas!

