Love What You Do

Do you love what you do? There are many people who work jobs because they need an income and they can’t take what they love to do to make a living.

There are many get rich schemes out there that promise you that you can own your own business and do what you are meant to do.

Many contemplate doing those schemes to be happy because they long to do what they love doing, whether it is being an author, planning weddings, building cabinets, doing hair and make up, acting, dancing, and any other love that they have.  While not everyone is doing what they love, take a moment to think about what you do for work daily.  Think of who is being impacted with the work that you do.  The attitude that you go to work with can move you along to be satisfied in everything that you do in your life.  If you have a love for dancing for instance, but you are not able to leave your job to be a famous ballerina because of the commitment that is involved going from audition to audition and the income required to train, buy dance outfits, and pay bills, then look at your current job differently.  Look at your job as the vehicle that can satisfy the desire that you have to dance or any other love that you have.  Your job allows you the freedom to pay for a hobby that makes you who you are.

Many people will say but there are others that have a business in wood cabinetry for instance, but yet I do not receive enough business to make my own store and pay employees.  Do your current job with love, as if working for God, maybe it is not meant for you to have the stress of owning your own business and waiting for income to come in to pay your bills. If you are good at cabinet making and you enjoy it, continue to do it as a hobby because you will enjoy it more than if you had to depend on it as a sole source of income, then it would become a chore or rather “a job” that you “have to do.”

Don’t think that the work you daily for pay is insignificant.  Pray as you go about your work day and see that in no time you will use your job as a vehicle to advance the things that you love to do as a hobby without any commitments or pressure and they will become enjoyable.  Volunteer your time and talents with others because it can’t always be about making a dollar.  If in your heart you make room to help someone, you will find in life that others will make room in their heart for you.

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Live the Simple Life

Do you remember when you were a kid how life seemed so simple? You would wake up to eat, get dressed and go play outside with the neighbor kids when you were not in school.  Your parents would call you in for lunch and then you would go back out and play until dinner time.  Relationships were built on true friendships and getting to know a person.  Today we are much more advanced and we have a greater reach of friends and followers according to our facebook and twitter accounts. There are many people I speak to daily that say they just do not do the social media and opt to really get to know someone instead of trying to compete in the world of electronics and who is having what crisis and drama that day.  Too much of one thing is not good, we have entirely too much social media time for ourselves and our kids.

Let’s get back to the simple things in life, when we can wake up each morning and sit at the kitchen table and read a book, talk with our significant other, or read with our kids without feeling like we have to check in with the world first.

When you go to work and have your lunch break, take a brown bag and go outside in our beautiful Florida weather and eat your lunch outside then enjoy a walk with a coworker or by yourself.

Call or write a snail mail to a friend to let them know how much you appreciate them instead of sending them a quick text or email.

We have so much beauty around us, let’s take time to enjoy God’s creation each and every day.

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The Everyday Blessings

Did you ever think about that dress you wanted to get but you just could not swing it this week or the house upgrades that you want to do, but short of charging your credit card till it maxed out, you were not able to afford it?  Those are the wants that in life we desire and make us say we are just not blessed despite helping others.  The reality of that statement is so untrue.

Daily we are blessed with just waking up, breathing air and opening our eyes.  There are days that we wake up feeling like we have not accomplished much of anything, but when we step back and look at what we have done and what we have around us, no matter how small it is, we realize, yes, we are blessed.  We may not feel that the blessing is exactly what we want in life (for some the big house, vacations, fancy cars, etc) but at the end of the day, looking at others around us in our own city, we are.  Think of the many that long to have a home and they can’t because they lost their job and they are just barely getting by.  Think of the parent that wants to have a baby, but infertility is in the way or if they do have a baby, the baby for some reason is born premature changing their lives forever.

Today, take a moment to reflect on your many blessings and share them with those around you.   A cup of tea or coffee goes a long way.

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Today I am Going “To Do”

Do you ever sit down and write a long list of “to do’s” and yet at the end of the day only one or two things get done on that list?  I am going to lose weight, I am going to eat better, I am going to volunteer time, I am going to …..whatever the to do is something always comes in between our good intention. We try to make our lists fit in our lives but we forget one thing, we are not our own bosses.  What???  Yes God is our boss and if we change our way of thinking and how we want to accomplish things, we may have a better handle on our to do list.

Let’s start by being kind to one another.  After all how many people got irate with friends that did not share the same political values during the elections.  Some people are still harping on who won the election.  If we want kindness extended to us, we must receive it first from God, then extend it to someone else so that we can receive it, it is a three-step process.  So instead of having a “to do” list,  let us think about having a “to become” list.  You want to become the kind person that everyone asks something of because you joyfully will help.  When someone asks something of you, become that person that will go the extra mile, not to please someone and get something in return, but to please God, be a blessing to someone else and feel great about it afterwards.

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Substitutes in Life

We all want the best things in life without substitutions for it. We are a society that orders online and we expect to get what we order,  but other times we get a notice that says something has been substituted because our item may not be available. Most of the time the substitution is an upgrade and we are satisfied with the upgrade.

On the same note when we ask God for something we are trusting that He will answer our prayer and send us what we want. But what we ask for is not always what is best for us at that moment, so we receive a substitution. Only God knows what lies ahead in the future and why He provides the things that He does, but at the end of the day, that substitution may be a stepping stone to reach the highest peak of what we are really to receive. The best thing that we can do is give thanks for what we do receive, because in God’s eyes it is far better than anything we can imagine.

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The Cover of the Book

Have you ever needed help and you were hesitant to ask for help because you look at someone and think they are not qualified to help you? We look at a person’s exterior and think to ourselves, they have long hair, tattoos, drive a motor cycle or belong to a group that we may not want to associate with. Most recently I was driving along the interstate and saw a woman being helped by a biker with long hair and on the back of his jacket he had the words “Hell’s Angels.”

I thought to myself after looking at the woman and him, would I let someone like that help me?  Then as soon as I thought about it, the words “never judge a book by its cover” came to mind.  I soon realized that when we pray for help, God has a way of sending help and will use anyone He sees fit for the job to help you whether they are the sharp looking businessman or the rough looking biker.  The point is we do not know where our help will come from at our moment of need and how we can make a difference as well in someone’s life.  If we can look beyond our own prejudices, we can discover a whole new treasure in our world around us.

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