Redo Your Life-Get a Do Over Button

Do you ever wish that you had a “do over” or “fast forward button? ” Many times we wish that we could have a button to erase painful memories of the past and relive our lives a different way.  Many movies on TV allude to that whole new life concept of  do over after a dream. When we watch the movies that hit close to home, we find ourselves daydreaming and longing to see our lives have a happy ending.  What we need to remember is that these are Hollywood movies to get at our emotions, because if they touch an aspect of your life, then you rate it a good movie.  However, in our daily lives, what we can do is really have a “do over button” not so much to do our entire lives over, but more to not repeat the same mistakes again.  When we go through a situation, if we can look at how we handled it, then we can learn how to handle it differently to avoid a mistake whether financially or emotionally.



Today take a moment to give yrouself a pat on the back, because we can be our own worse critic and we do have to take time to compliment ouselves and say we are doing a good job

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Did you ever have someone tell you to breathe?  I don’t mean in the context of life and death breathing, but rather breathe to calm yourself down from the stress of life.  We get wrapped up in the stresses of life and whether we can get everything accomplished in the short time frame that we give ourselves.  If we allow this stress to take control, by the end of the day we are overwhelmed, tired, cranky and unable to concentrate on the things that we are trying to accomplish.

Today take a moment to breathe, look at the breeze outside as the leaves on the trees swing back and forth ever so gently.  This is God’s way of bringing peace in our lives with a gentle breeze that forces us to stop and take a moment to breathe so that we can take it all in calmly and without needed stress, after all,  the task has to be done whether we are stressed or not, so why not opt for the “no stress” approach to get things accomplished.

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Serendipity…By Chance

Serendipity, one of my favorite movies and words.  You ask, what does serendipity mean? “The occurrence and development of events by chance in a happy or beneficial way.”

In the movie Serendipity, two people met by chance and the connection was instant.Through the years a series of events happened that made one or the other remember each other ( you will have to rent the movie to see the end, no spoilers here).  Some people call serendipity luck or by accident, but really it is the Divine Hand of God or scheduled appointments.  We can have an idea and say that it is a creation on our own, but where did that idea come from?  The ideas that we have come from God, He places these divine appointments in our path either with someone or in our hearts.

So the next time that you have an idea, write it down, explore it in your mind, pray about it and ask God to help you develop it and see where it takes you.  In the case of love, a serendipitous moment is also very possible, that is how my husband and I met through a serendipitous moment, but that is a story for another day!

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Be Original, Be Yourself

Everyday we see television commercials about celebrities advertising clothes hairstyles, fashion, wealth and a certain lifestyle.  As humans we dream of being like those celebrities or other people that we look up to and desire to be just like them.  But we fail to realize that who we are is what makes us special.  We are original artwork from the Master Painter Himself, God!  If God had wanted us all to be like everyone else, He would have instilled the same gene in all of us.  instead He gave us each our own thumbprint to be the best that we can be at all we can do.

So the next time that you feel pressured to be like anyone else in school or as an adult to match up to a business that is in your same field, think to yourself that you are unique and can do anything that you set your mind to.  Two people can have the exact same training to handle a situation but each has their own flair on how they will handle it.  It does not mean that one is right and the other one is wrong, it just means that each handled the situation differently to receive the same outcome.

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Life in a Fog

Have you lost your focus in life? As an author I get questions on a daily basis asking me where do I get my inspiration to write and how can they get on track with the things that they want to do in life.  My reply is always to focus in the silence before making a move.  In other words, as we travel along the road of life, we encounter areas of fog that impeded us from seeing ahead to what is in front of us.

When we are driving the car of life, we may look in the rear view mirror at what was just passed and think, if only we can change what happened we could change our future.  The reality is that we need to look ahead and not focus on what we left behind. The issue is that our vision is clouded in a fog and we can’t focus on what we are to do next.

Many things can cloud our vision with fog for instance stress, illness and lack of motivation. What we can do is to take some time by ourselves to refocus on what we are supposed to do with ourselves.  We can pray, write our thoughts and allow our gifts (we all have them) to guide what we want to do.  No matter what we do in our life, we all have a God given gift; something that we are very good at and that should be something that we use to channel our time when we are not working.

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