He Who Gives

Everyone knows that famous line from Dr. Martin Luther King, “I have a dream.”  I am sure that many people have been able to use that as inspiration when they refer to their own dreams.  Some people don’t look at Dr. Martin Luther King as the public figure that he was, but rather as someone who was not afraid to admit his own fears.

I will use myself as an example, I am an accomplished author of several children’s books and an adult book with many more in production.  Most recently, my publisher that had taken me on as one of their top authors and published my books at no cost because they believed in my writing and skill, has gone bankrupt.  You can imagine my fear wondering, what will happen to my already published books circulating the market, what will happen to my other books they have in production, what will I do?  After thinking about this and hearing other authors who paid thousands of dollars to have a chance at publishing with them and losing money, I thought, okay what can I do as an individual? Dr. Martin Luther King’s speech came to mind from my history books, movies and teachers that have used and engraved that phrase somewhere in the back of my mind.  “I have a dream.” I have heard that many times.  Now it was time to say , ” I have a dream.” I have a dream to write, to share knowledge, to share stories, to be inspiring, to give hope and encouragement through my many styles of writing.  I can either stay where I am and wallow in self-pity or I can rise about this temporary set back and push through and become successful in my writing again.

I have a great testimony and I know that I can make a difference in someone’s life and help change things in this world when given an opportunity to share my writings. I am blessed to have people in my life that encourage my writing and believe in me.  So if they believe in me, why shouldn’t I?


So today I leave you with this, believe in your dream, do not give up, if God planted that dream in your heart, it will be a matter of time before it comes true.  If God gives you a dream, He will teach you how to use it to give to others.

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Bouncing Back

We live in a world where negativity comes our way almost on a daily basis.  We have to find within ourselves a way to bounce back from disappointments and loss.  This can take time to rebuild our trust and heal our hurts.  When we are hurting we just need to find a way to heal our wounds and then go back in the real world and face it.  It would be great if we did not live in a world of angry words and hate.  The old phrase that says “sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me,” is so untrue.  There are people who have committed suicide and lived in mental anguish with a harsh word that was used.

Have you ever cooked with Teflon pots?  These post are made with a special coating so that when you cook or fry something, the food does not stick to it.  That is what we need in our lives, we need a special coating so that when those angry words, disappointments and losses come in our lives, we can slide them away.  It is easier said than done.  This is not an overnight process and sometimes we live with these words for an eternity.  However we can agree to do this, whenever we come in contact with someone who is being hurtful to us, we don’t have to accept it.  We can ask God to help us and not let that negative, hurtful, or angry word stick with us, but rather have us stick with Him and not absorb this in our lives.

Like Proverbs 25:11 says in International Standard Version:

“Like golden apples set in silver is a word spoken at the right time.”

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The Day’s Troubles

Do you ever wake up and think to yourself about how everything has gone wrong in the last few days, weeks or even years?  We are all guilty of that at some point in our lives.  But is it really a long period of time that something is wrong or is it 5 minutes long and we stretch it for hours?  That is what we need to ask ourselves, how long is our trouble going to last?  Yes there are some troubles that last a lifetime as a result of poor choices that one makes, however the only way to get through that is to look at what is around us.

Look at the countless blessings that surround us no matter how small. Look at the fact that we have phones to communicate and do our work with when we are not at the office or to communicate with an old friend , kids and family.  We can look at the fact that we are stuck in 20 minutes of traffic and as we drive by see a car accident and think to ourselves, that could have been me, thank you God because You protected me.  Today it is raining and you had plans to garden in your yard, thank you God because tomorrow is a new day and my lawn will be green with your natural rain.


It is very easy for us to get in a rut of complaints and if we are around people who feed that negative in our lives, we will start to sow what they are feeding us.  Today take a moment to look at who you have in your inner circle and if they are helping you be the best that you can be.  I am not saying that you should not be friends with them, on the contrary, be of example and allow only those that are going to encourage you and pray with you in your inner circle.  Be a blessing to those in your inner circle as well, in other words, as you receive from them, give back in the same way or more and keep the positive attitude going.  For your outer circle, be encouraging to them no matter how discouraged they get and pray for them.

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The Detours of Life

Have you ever gone out and rented a car and they don’t provide you  GPS to know where you are going in a new place that you have never been to before?  It is frustrating if you are not good at looking at maps and poor signals to rely on a gps on your phone.  Moments like this make me remember that sometimes we come across unexpected road blocks that we have to get through to get to our final destination. Life sometimes has detours and it is up to us to follow the detour suggested.  The detours will often delay the expected arrival time to our final destination and we get upset about it.  We can choose to be upset and still arrive late because that is the path that we need to be on or we can choose to accept the detour and be content knowing that this is out of our control and we will eventually arrive.  Either way our destination has been changed so why not arrive there safely and with a smile and an attitude of great disposition, than one of frustration because things did not go our way.

We often pray and ask God to change things in our life and to swing decisions our way because we feel entitled to that and when they don’t we blame God and sing the praises of “woe is me.” We are all guilty of thinking life should be according to our rules.  I have learned that letting go of what we cannot control, is far better on our health and emotional well-being, than fighting to get something to go our way.

The next time you find yourself putting up a fight to make something go your way, stop for a minute, step out of the situation and look at it as an outsider.  Examine what it is you are trying to accomplish and see where that path is going at that moment, if it seems like a struggle , pray about it and ask the Lord for direction on how you should proceed next.


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When You Get Blamed

Did you ever get blamed for something that you did not do and when you defend yourself, no one believes you?When I obtained my very first full-time job as a surgical assistant for a well established successful oral surgeon, I experienced an accusation, that almost cost me my job.  You see, I was all of 19 and worked with another woman who was about 36.  She had gone to school to be a surgical assistant while I was in nursing school just learning on the job.  The doctor trained me quite well on how to set up surgical trays and assist him in surgery.  When I worked with this particular woman, for some reason she wanted to show off that she knew how to do everything and I was just a kid learning.

Over the next few weeks, there were many mistakes in tray sets ups.   When we got to the surgery, the wrong size instruments would be on the table making the circulating nurse have to go out and get the correct instrument.  The doctor became furious because it was always on my surgical assisting.  I could not imagine why the trays were set up wrong as I would set them up per the required instruments on my “cheat sheet.” One day I started to notice that this woman would change my tray and say I had it all wrong and she knew what the doctor needed.  I received a warning from the doctor that I was going to be fired if I did not start doing things correctly. I tried to explain, but he did not want to hear anything about it.

I prayed and asked God to help me.  Things kept getting worse.  One day, the woman announced that she was taking vacation for 2 weeks.  The doctor brought in another assistant that only worked part-time for him and asked that she help during her absence.  This other assistant came in to help, she was the nicest girl.  She watched me set up the trays and complimented me on the speed and organization of the tray and in the order that the doctor would use the instruments.  During surgeries the doctor asked who made up the trays and I quietly said I did. He did not say anything more. The 2 weeks passed by and the other woman came back from her vacation.  The doctor asked her to make up all the surgical trays from now on and I was to just watch and assist him in surgery only.  I thought to myself, okay I am going to be fired over this.

One day I came in to work and the doctor called me in to his office, he asked about my aspirations in life and what I planed to do when I was done with school.  I did not know what I wanted to do, but I did say I did want to work with him in surgery and learn.  The doctor went on to apologize for doubting my skills, he proceeded to tell me that he had been observing my behavior and that of the other assistant and noticed that she was deliberately messing up my trays to make me look bad.  She did this for so long, that when it came time for her to do them on her own, she could not figure out what was the correct set up anymore.  She was caught in lies as she told the doctor that I had done the trays and of course the week he had her do them, he knew that was not true.

The moral of this story, pride is a tumor that can eat away at the soul and has to be cut out in order for us not to become bitter angry people.  This woman had so much pride in her and did not want a new comer to take away from anything that she was doing at this Doctor’s surgical practice, that she used this incident to hurt me and in the end hurt herself, because she was fired. We all need to check ourselves, the next time you get full of pride, if deep in your heart you feel something tug at you that this is not right, listen to that tugging from God and change your attitude.

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