by Rosie Moore | Oct 8, 2018 | Uncategorized
The doula never takes the father’s role in the birthing process. The doula enhances and compliments the father’s role during the entire birth. In this generation, more fathers are becoming involved in the process of birth. However many fathers still want to be there for their partner, but maybe not in the coaching aspect for fear that they may do something wrong. Have no fear dads, you cannot do anything wrong. When the doula is there, she will guide you through the process of being your partner’s support system. With the doula there it gives the father flexibility to rest, has a bathroom break, eat, and most importantly learn the techniques that will be needed during the difficult time of labor.
Source: Rosie’s Nurse Corner
by Rosie Moore | Sep 27, 2018 | Uncategorized
Most recently I was contacted by a mother to be who was interested in having a doula at her birth. She was very excited to have a natural childbirth because she had heard about horror stories when women went into labor and their doctor rushed them through the delivery. Much to her disatisfaction, she was told that she could not have a doula and her family in the room at the time of delivery, she had to make a choice because the doctor did not want that many people watching. I let her know that the choice was ultimately hers as we are not friends or family but we are part of the medical team helping the moms to be through labor and delivery. She decided that she would go with her family in the room and hope for the best.
Delivery day came and she was very excited to give birth, what she did not anticipate was being in labor for almost 2 days with a failure to progress. She received her epidural the minute that she arrived there and she thought surely she would deliver within a few short hours. Well, she notes that was not the case after she failed to progress. The Epidural slowed the labor down and because she was bed bound, she was not able to put all the labor tips into action to help herself along. She ended up with a C-section for failure to progress. The good part is that both mom and baby are doing great, the sad part as she put it was that she was never given an opportunity to try to birth her baby naturally before she was offered an epidural the minute she walked in the door.
The benefits of having a doula documented by the 2017 Cochrane Review indicated that having continuous support for women during childbirth, showed positive outcomes when a doula was part of the birth team. When a doula is present, it decreases the chances of having pain medications, c sections, and it helps the mother have a positive birth experience that she will remember for life.
Here is the study that was done by the Cochrane Review
If you have questions about your birthing plan, contact us for a complimentary 20 minute call to discuss your concerns 407-760-1662 or email us at
Source: Rosie’s Nurse Corner
by Rosie Moore | Sep 24, 2018 | Uncategorized
Doulas provide emotional, physical, and educational support to expectant mothers during the labor process and postpartum. The doula is professionally trained in childbirth with the purpose of helping women have safe, memorable experiences and empowering a birth the way the mother desires.
The doula services begin typically a few months before the birth in order to establish a relationship with the expectant mother. Having the relationship early allows the doula to answer any questions that the mother and father have prior to delivery, ease any anxiety, and assist in developing a birth plan.
During labor, the doula will provide the mother with comfort measures, position changes, breathing techniques, and partner involvement in the birthing process. A doula leads to a better birth outcome and helps to reduce complications for both mother and baby. Doulas use touch and massage as a means to decrease stress and anxiety during labor. They use the sound of their voice to have the mother focus during the difficult stages of labor allowing this moment to engage the birth partner on the focal point.
Source: Rosie’s Nurse Corner
by Rosie Moore | Sep 24, 2018 | Uncategorized
Doulas provide emotional, physical, and educational support to expectant mothers during the labor process and postpartum. The doula is professionally trained in childbirth with the purpose of helping women have safe, memorable experiences and empowering a birth the way the mother desires.
The doula services begin typically a few months before the birth in order to establish a relationship with the expectant mother. Having the relationship early allows the doula to answer any questions that the mother and father have prior to delivery, ease any anxiety, and assist in developing a birth plan.
During labor, the doula will provide the mother with comfort measures, position changes, breathing techniques, and partner involvement in the birthing process. A doula leads to a better birth outcome and helps to reduce complications for both mother and baby. Doulas use touch and massage as a means to decrease stress and anxiety during labor. They use the sound of their voice to have the mother focus during the difficult stages of labor allowing this moment to engage the birth partner on the focal point.
Source: Rosie’s Nurse Corner
by Rosie Moore | May 26, 2018 | Uncategorized
In today’s world we are surrounded by negativity everywhere we look. When we turn on the news it is the rape, murder, robbery, or the political issues that we hear first. How sad that all we hear as we wake up and start our day is negative news in the world. What if we started our day listening to a positive inspirational message or watched a funny television show that made you laugh from start to finish. How would our mood change and affect our day?
May is mental health awareness month and with depression, anxiety and suicide on the rise, we cannot allow these emotions to take over our entire lives. There are always going to be angry people in the workplace, on the road, at the store, and even in our own family. We can choose to be upset with them and share in their negative behavior or we can say, “You know what, by getting upset, depressed, and feeling sad or stressed, it is not going to change that person and will leave us feeling bad. So today, choose to say, “I cannot change anyone else and how they feel or their circumstance, but I can change my outlook and how I see things; I choose not to allow someone else’s negative vibe get the better of me.”
A personal tip from me and what I do, I wake up in the morning watching one of my favorite TV shows that makes me laugh and even though it is an old show and they are reruns from before we were all born, it is funny, I Love Lucy. I can watch the same show many times and still laugh at it. Find something that makes you laugh. Next when I go to the gym in the morning, instead of filling my mind with the loud music early in the morning, or the select channels of negative news, I look for some inspirational videos that I want to watch before I enter the gym and usually you can find one that is 30-45 minutes long or however long you need it to be for that particular day’s work out and watch that. Watching those videos as you are on a cardio machine not only fills your heart and mind with something inspirational, but you may learn a thing or two that will help you. If you are doing weights and walking around, find a station of music that inspires you and that you can feel energized with or you can continue to listen to the video without watching it since it is usually a speaker on a stage.
Have a blessed weekend and let us remember that it is not about the three day holiday weekend, we should remember those that died in the line of duty to give us the freedom that we have today.
Follow author Rosie Moore
by Rosie Moore | Apr 13, 2018 | Uncategorized
When planning out goals in life, there are many self-help books, blogs, and methods to do this. One way is to start writing the goal that you want to accomplish in life. Read those goals daily and believe in them. You can achieve them if you plan on them. Start by identifying the goals into categories, for example, which ones are short-term that can happen in the immediate future in under six months. A long-term goal is something that will take longer than a year to accomplish. Under each goal, write down the length of time that you anticipate it will take to achieve that goal. Once the goal and the time frame are established, write the steps that are required to get to that goal. When the goal is identified, steps are put in place on how to achieve it, and the timeframe for the goal to be accomplished. It allows your overall perspective on life to be encouraging. As the goals are being worked on, they can be marked off to allow recognition that you have accomplished a step in your process to attain the final step, completion of a goal.
In the business world we, use an acronym called SMART goals. It stands for Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic/Relevant and Timely. The reason that we want to think of this acronym when we are planning our goals is that we want to be certain that we are not just idly making a statement and not doing anything to achieve it. An example of a goal not using the SMART form, is “I want to be a nurse one day.” This is a great goal, but if it is a realistic goal that you want to accomplish, then it needs feet to walk along the road.
Here is a better way to phrase this, ” I want to be a nurse one day. In order for me to accomplish this goal, I need to:
Specific: I need to enroll in a school of nursing, in order to become a nurse
Measurable: According to the curriculum, it will take me 2 years to become a nurse and 4 years if I do my bacehlors in nursing.
Attainable: If I start in the Fall of 2018, I will be done in the fall of 2020 and I can start to work right away. I can continue my education for the bachelor’s classes while I work and gain experience as a nurse.
Realistic: The goal of going to school for the first two years and obtaining my nursing degree is more a realistic goal because I need to work and I can do that in two years.
Timely: I am going to sign up today to start classes in the fall of 2018, the curriculum for associates in nursing is two years, so if I follow the pattern, I will graduate in the fall of 2020.
This is just one scenario of a SMART goal, it can be anything that you set your mind to do.
Author Rosie Moore followed her dream and worked on her SMART goal to obtain her doctorate of nurse practice. Although the challenges were enough to get discouraged, she graduated and obtained the final outcome, her DNP. Contact Rosie Moore to work with her in empowering your next journey to your destination.
Dr. Rosie Moore receives her doctorate of nurse practice degree!!
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